



在台北電玩展的最終日, SCET 請到《Final Fantasy 零式 HD》的製作總監田畑端與市場經理「大藤昭夫」親臨現場,並邀請台灣合作廠商樂陞科技董事長許金龍與產品開發處協理王彥凱兩位特別來賓登場。田畑端宣布將與樂陞科技合作製作《Final Fantasy XV》。

在許金龍董事長與現場玩家們的要求下,放出一段由《Final Fantasy XV》開發團隊與樂陞科技合作的影片,過去在Jump Festa 中,《Final Fantasy XV》曾於活動中展示過一段「Dog Cam」的影像,這算是《Final Fantasy XV》的研發成果之一,簡單的來說,可以將角色的視角切到狗身上,以狗的視點來探查各場景,而本次樂陞展出的影片中,將狗換成了貓,也就是「Cat Cam」的貓視角影片。影片中可以看到切換成貓視角後,可以以貓的視點進行探索。

樂陞董事長許金龍在會場說:「很榮幸可以與這款世界知名的遊戲團隊一起合作開發《Final Fantasy 信用貸款 代辦費XV》,這非常感謝給予台灣的機會,我們團隊中很多成員也是FF迷。」並增貸條件表示,希望「Cat Cam」可以被田畑端製作人採用。

會後專訪時,談起和樂陞合作的契機,田畑端說:「FF 和很多全世界的團隊合作,但並不是把某個場景或關卡交給樂陞或其他合作廠商,而是以東京團隊為開發中心,一些比較細節的部分交給合作廠商。」還對樂陞美術團隊讚譽有加,並透露這次合作,將會先以美術設計為主,而跟其他廠商也有程式、技術相關的合作。

由今天的發表可以看的出來,如《Final Fantasy XV》這種招牌作品,也許已經不是 SQUARE ENIX 光靠本部就可以在時限內做的出來的,當然尋求各地廠商的支援也不非不好,對於台灣的開發團隊來說,也許更能學到一些寶貴經驗,或是讓未來台日遊戲研發商間的交流更為順暢,對於台灣來說也絕對是好事一件。


WORRYING TREND: The avian flu season in China began earlier this season, with a higher number of recorded infections compared with recent years, an official saidBy Lee I-chia / Staff reporterPeople traveling to China, Hong Kong and Macau should be alert to the spread of H7N9 avian influenza in the region, with 100 cases, including two suspected human-to-human transmissions, reported from Jan. 9 to Monday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said yesterday.There has been a significant increase in the occurrence of H7N9 avian influenza infections in the greater China region, with the cases announced over the past week representing the highest weekly total since 2013, CDC Deputy Director-General Philip Lo (羅一鈞) said.“Most of the cases were reported in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Guangdong provinces, with the majority of cases having had direct or close contact with poultry or wild birds,” he said.CDC Epidemic Intelligence Center director Liu Ting-ping (劉定萍) said 54 of the cases were in Jiangsu, 22 in Zhejiang, nine in Anhui and four in Guangdong.Liu added that there has been a smattering of reports of infections in other provinces.The two cases reported in Hong Kong and Macau were both infected in Guangdong, he said.Of the latest batch of infections, there were two incidences of suspected human-to-human transmission — between a father and daughter in Jiangsu and between two patients that were in the same hospital ward in Anhui, he said.A total of 146 H7N9 avian influenza infections in humans have been reported in China since October, Liu said, adding that the avian flu season in China is typically between November and May, but statistics showed that this season, the outbreaks began earlier than usual, and the number of cases recorded so far this year is higher than those of past few years.“We suggest that people who are planning to visit China avoid direct contact with live poultry,” Lo said, adding that H7N9 avian influenza can cause fever, coughing and other flu-like symptoms, as well as pneumonia in serious cases.He said people who exhibit such symptoms after returning to Taiwan from China should put on a facial mask, seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform the doctor about their travel history.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者王靖怡台北18日電)NCC主任委員詹婷怡今天說,媒體併購案絕對會嚴謹審查,不會倉促通過;媒體壟斷防制與多元維護法草案將在農曆年後、立法院新會期開議前後提出。 國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)下午舉行年終記者會,詹婷怡率全體NCC委員出席表示,從去年8月1日新任委員上任,已開25次委員會,提案183件、通過139件。 近來有中嘉案、台灣寬頻通訊(TBC)案、東森電視併購案等媒體併購案,詹婷怡說,除了當事人權益,牽涉公眾利益、多元價值維護、保障言論自由,甚至是國家安全等,委員會絕對會嚴謹審查,依法令範圍及相關前例在合理時間內審查,不會倉促通過。 外界關注反媒體壟斷法案,詹婷怡表示,委員會已討論「媒體壟斷防制與多元維護法草案」,立法精神是為落實維護資訊及意見自由,同時保障新聞專業自主,更重要是促進多元文化均?發展。 詹婷怡說,將規範水平、垂直或跨業媒體整合,預計農曆年後、立法院新會期開議前後提出草案,供外界討論,經公開說明和諮詢,委員會正式討論通過後再送行政院。 今年6月終止2G業務,也規劃辦理第3波4G釋照。有線電視數位化方面,詹婷怡表示,今年非常關鍵,截至去年12月數位化普及率已達94.2%,將持續與地方政府及業者協力合作,儘速達成全面數位化目標。 此外,台灣有線寬頻產業協會暨各大系統經營者共同拍攝宣導廣告,由NCC指導,藝人王月擔任代言人,協助民眾了解有線電視數位化相關訊息,全力衝刺,希望今年底達成全面數位化。1060118


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